Friday, May 29, 2015


D is one.

It's pretty crazy. If you told me that D was three weeks tomorrow I would believe it. People are not joking around when they say that this first year goes fast. It zooms by in this amazing, magical, wonderful, strange, gross, sweet way. 

To just write this stuff down, I'm going to share a bit about our wonderful, toddling beast. 

D is now 1 year old. I probably haven't properly chronicled her first year, but I'm trying not to overdo things. B and I'd both rather enjoy time with D than document moments.

We are incredibly lucky. D is a wonderful baby/toddler. She is full of energy and smiles. She is loud and often-opinionated. She likes almost everything she eats (though she does make the best tart-face that makes you think twice about giving her more strawberries, but then you do it again because it's so funny). She is busy and adventurous and loves watching kids.

Here is a quick rundown of our baby girl...

Known as: Daily, D, Dailybug, Daily-Do, Little Bug, sweet girl, beast.

Activity: Walks! The walking started a few weeks ago and is now full-force. D walks here and there and everywhere. She squats, wobbles, resets herself, carries stuff around. She looks very proud and happy when she marches over to see mom or dad or whoever.

Non-active-activity: Sleeps like a champ overnight in her crib (from about 7PM to 7AM plus or minus an hour or two) with two daytime naps that are hit-or-miss but much better since the walking.

Consumes: Eats everything! Baby food, Cheerios, grahams, sweet potatoes, applesauce, bananas, avocado, oatmeal, bread, cheese, bananas and about a billion other things we offered her. She's had bites of pizza, soup, chicken, bacon, gelato (pretentious baby!), grilled turkey and cheese, salad greens and so many other nibbles of so many things.

And... Still breastfeeding! My ultimate goal if everything was agreeable was to breastfeed for a year. It's worked out incredibly well for D and for me. She's weaned herself down nursing/bottle-wise just as my production has dwindled. Despite my 12-hour days and 12-hour nights at work, we work well together. We have a nice stock in the freezer even.

I won't berate the breastfeeding thing, but it is really wonderful. I'm very grateful for lactation consultants and all the (billions of) people who have been supportive of this adventures. I've asked roughly 99 percent of nurses at my hospital to cover my patients while I pump. 

I have breastfed in the homes of almost everyone I know, cars (not moving), trains (moving), airports, airplanes, restaurants, bars, beer gardens, Macy's, a food court, a grassy field, and many other places I can't remember because it's all a blur. I'm so happy that D and I worked together to get her big and strong. We are weaning now and it's lovely (I didn't pump at work overnight for the first time in a year last night!). Whoa!


  • Taggie / Tom Taggerford / Tags / Tags McGags - from BFF Cindy, this is basically a square of fabric with tags sticking out. D loves it. She snuggles it at night and when she wakes up D and Tags talk out their plans for the day.
  • Blue Dog - Runner-up behind Tags, Blue Dog gets swung about by his ears. He's a good pal and wears a smart scarf.
  • Books! D starts almost every morning out by emptying her book box (all board books, tough things that can handle her rough ways), paging through her books. She loves stories and songs too.
  • Duck - D's duck is a fave even though or because it is wearing a cat costume. (It was a favor at Emiko's Halloween-birthday party.) 
  • Bath book - D's Sesame Street Bathtub Book called Squeaky Clean is a fave. We read it with goofy voices and talk about what we are doing in the tub as we go. She loves teeth brushing (yup, we brush those two teeth!), scrubbing and rinsing because of the strange/awesome voices of Elmo, Cookie Monster, Count, Zoe discussing bath issues. 
  • Kitties - D loves the kitties. "Kitty" was one of her first words. She's learning to pet them and toss them toys (instead of just stealing their toys). It's fun to watch them figure her out and vice-versa. 
  • Walks
  • People!
  • Song and dancing - including but not limited to Crissleb reditions of all songs ever popular into songs about whatever we are doing. Today I turned Tracy Chapman's Fast Car into Fast Tub. That is either awful or awesome. Not sure which. 
  • Porch-sitting-people-watching

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