Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Day in the life!

I read some blogs that do this, so I'm going to try. My work schedule, B's work schedule and the demands of life alter this more of than than not, but the idea of our schedule is a real thing.

4:00 a.m. - Up to pump! Then back to sleep. I pump in the middle of the night because when I work nights I pump then and this keeps my supply up and our freezer/fridge stocked.

7:45 - D wakes up. I wake up. Diaper change! We snuggle on the couch while she nurses. D is ready to play so I set up Dailyland. D crawls, drums on the ottoman, looks at books, explores her toys and briefly torments Dizzy who goes to sleep with B and Mr. Mewogi in our bedroom.

9:00 - I drink a glass of milk. D sits at the counter and plays while I do some dishes. D eats some applesauce and oatmeal with cinnamon. Yum! We clean up after breakfast and D gets dressed.

9:30 - B wakes up, says hello, tells me to turn on the lights and that Daily is wearing something he does not approve of. Whatever.

10:15 - D nurses again, gets zipped up into her sleep sack (a warm, fleecy sleeping bag with sleeves that she wears to bed to keep warm) and goes down for a nap. I curl up on the couch and do some house-buying stuff.

11:15 - D is up! Playtime! A friend with an older baby gave us a noisy push toy that D is pretty intrigued by so we pull that out. D also enjoys moving toys into different containers. She dances.

12:00 - Lunch! Cheesy scrambled eggs with toast for us both. D sits in her counter-high-chair while I cook and tell her what I'm doing.

12:30 - Aunt Julie video chat! Aunt Julie got off work early today. She calls just in time to see D finish her eggs and toast. We go back to playing and D attacks the computer/Aunt Julie to express her love.

1:30 - D nurses and we both doze off a bit. This nursing-dozing thing is wonderfully sweet, but probably not the best for encouraging good nap habits. After missing D while I work I cannot resist.

2:15 - Up! D plays while I get ready for a trip to Target. I pack my bag, make my list, find deals on Target's Cartwheel app and warm up the car.

3:00 - Target! Target is much warmer than outside so we wander quite a bit. D hangs out in the carrier so she's right next to me while I browse through almost everything at Target. We can't find everything on our list but our cart is FULL (of diapers -- buy 3 get a $20 giftcard! BOOM!) when we check out. We call Grandma Karen to chat while we shop.

4:30 - Home! B comes out to the frosty garage to grab D (who fell asleep on the ten minute drive home) and I haul in the goods. D plays, B works, I unload stuff and then join D for fun. I give her a few "puffs" that we bought (basically easy-to-eat cereal things for babies). We are working on D using her pincher grasp (awesome) to actually put food (not random crap) in her mouth. No success yet, but getting closer. Maybe.

5:15 - Bath! Now that she's in the big tub D has a blast in the tub. Today she wanted to pull up on the tub edge which is a slippery enterprise, especially when you're sleepy. Nonetheless D moves a big bottle of shampoo into the tub with her, chases her rubber fish and plays with her boat. Clean D gets lotioned up and put in clean pajamas.

5:45 - Stories! We read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and D yells along. Next is Llama, Llama Red Pajama and finally a crowd favorite Old Hat, New Hat. B and I take turns with the stories, all snuggled on the couch -- it's one of the best times of the day!

6:00 - Nursing one last time. D dozes off and is in bed by 6:25.

6:30 - I clean up toys, grab a snack. listen to some music on my computer, and catch up online.

7:30 - B emerges from workland (he's SUPER busy this week and last -- it's ridiculous). We peek at D and make plans for the evening. I drink wine while B finishes up his work -- I screw around online, check work email, check my work schedule, watch The Good Wife on Hulu, do laundry.

9:30 - B emerges from workland again! We chat, eat a delightful dinner of leftovers and drink wine. We watch the opening of the Oscars and an episode of Parks and Rec on Hulu. Parks and Rec is the best.

11:00 - Shower for me, stretching for B. He's been working at his desk in a not-great chair wayyyyyy too much lately so he needs it. I drink water and fold laundry.

Midnight - Bedtime for me -- I am near finished with a Harlan Coben book that keeps me up late! Finally, lights out! 

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