Wednesday, February 18, 2015

And... whoa!

  • Daily is a wild animal and has climbed over the barriers we put up to keep her in a safe space twice. So we are baby-proofing everywhere. And being more diligent about walks and house-leaving activities. Today we attended the not-entirely-gross and booger-y Mother Goose on the Loose at the library. I am all about getting out of the house, but I really don't need D to get out just to get sick -- that's no good for her or us.
  • More scary news: we found an awesome house early on in our house-search and we "made an offer" on it. I mean, we really made an offer but it all seems very faux because we are nowhere near adult-enough to be homeowners. The house is awesome with a yard and space and near our current 'hood & another neighborhood we love. More on this as we figure it out. We aren't quite deciding paint colors and arranging furniture... yet.
  • It's freeeeeezing in Chicago right now. So cold that school is canceled for Chicago Public School kids. I remember school being canceled when I was little, but I think our threshold for cold days was colder than today's. I don't want kids to be out in freezing weather, but I also don't like the idea of keeping kids out of school when school is an important place for them. For many, many kids school is where they eat breakfast and lunch. And there's not a credit at the grocery store for days off of school. So, yeah, I kinda think kids can wait outside for the bus (maybe the bus can wait a little longer for them, or something) -- so they can go someplace warm, to learn and to eat.
  • You may know that I love Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Of course I do! She's a champion of women's rights, brilliant and amazing. Recently, RBG is more outspoken than usual. She's got lots to say about her own life, which I adore, and her life as a mother and wife. To me, it's most magical to hear Ruth Bader Ginsburg -- a mind beyond minds -- talk about her family life. Her husband (like mine is!) was a complete partner to her -- cooking dinners, raising kids, making it so RBG could be the Justice she is today. An awesome Ruth Bader Ginsburg quote: “Women will have achieved true equality when men share with them the responsibility of bringing up the next generation.”
  • Lastly, life is very happy around here. And when it's cold out, the house is messy, there are street salt stains all over the stairs and the baby is attempting to destroy the house one plant at a time, it's still really wonderful. We are so thankful. 
This baby would never attempt to knock over a plant. Or would she?

She would. 

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