Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Feminism! It's for everyone.

I'm (obviously) a feminist. So is my awesome husband. 

So is my baby (I know because she is happy spending the whole day with her dad while her mom works. And she's happy spending the whole day with her mom while her dad works.)

International Women's Day was just a few day ago.

And it's Women's History Month. 

And, it's any day of any month of any year when women, men, moms, dads, anyone needs to be treated like they matter just as much as the next person.

I'm not brilliant, but I do want to use my blog as a place to share a few great things:

  • More women than men are entering medical school nowadays! And there are (slowly) more and more male nurses joining my awesome profession!
  • - My Husband Didn't Take My Name But I Married Him Anyway. This is thoughtful and hilarious and fantastic.
  • As a working mom I'm totally conflicted all the time. I hate missing D, but I love work. I really, really want D to see me go to work and learn that while she is my absolute love, I also take care of kids who are really sick so sometimes I leave her and sometimes I sleep while she's up so I can take care of sick kids. Sometimes I want to just stay home, focus on D and not deal with this balance situation at all. But in the grand scheme, we are super lucky to both get to be stay-at-home-sometimes parents. D is very lucky to get time with her wonderful dad, time with her wonderful mom and time with both of us. I think this is a problem all parents have. And if you're not a parent you have this problem in some other fashion. Having it all is tricky, tricky stuff.
  • Women of the Supreme Court as awesome Legos! You can't buy these, but at least there is an idea there of more Legos of awesome people (besides Batman, Star Wars heroes, and the like).
  • The #DearMe campaign tries to tell "your younger self" what's what. Several cool people said they'd tell their younger selves to worry less, relax and know that you're enough. Hallelujah. We all need to hear this!
  • Just to let my feminism wash over me, I will report that I made meatloaf for dinner tonight. Boom. 

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