Monday, March 17, 2014

28 weeks

28 weeks along. This is incredibly exciting because 28 weeks was a marker we put in our minds after our loss. 28 weeks seemed like this safe time -- when odds go from being pretty rotten to being on the baby's side. At this point, the eggplant (we subscribe to weekly updates that give us a new produce-related name for the baby-to-be) is mostly working on gaining weight, but still has some lung- and GI-tract-maturing to do as well. Keep cooking, eggplant!

Size: Eggplant!

Weight gained: still around 11-12 pounds! I gained one pound since my doctor's appointment 3 weeks ago which is right on track.

Maternity clothes? Yes, more and more! B and I went to The Gap and I found 5 maternity shirts for less than $40 -- hooray for sales and for soft shirts that fit this belly!

Looking pregnant to strangers? Yes, most of the time.

Sleep: Decent -- some nights/days are great, some are not-great, but according to the team of medical experts I see "That's getting you ready for the baby." Isn't that a helpful thing to hear when you're exhausted? I'm still taking some awesome naps. 

Best moments this week: A few wonderful walks on warm days, checking some things off the "let's get organized" to-do list, lots of good eating and some excellent shifts at work. 

Also, must shout-out to the incredible B who has been sweet and wonderful to me -- last Saturday I came home from work to beautiful purple irises on the kitchen counter. Sunday morning there were daffodils on my bedside table! Also, he's been cooking up a storm, tucking me for various naps (especially important with night shifts) and being generally great. Thanks B!  

Cravings: Everything? Yes, Everything. All the time. But not very much at once. Notably I am very into lemonade, diet ginger ale, raspberries, dark chocolate and cinnamon toast. 

Movement: Plenty of movement -- kicks, repositioning, punches, whatever.

What's next? This coming weekend we travel west to see my family and B's mom! I haven't seen my family since Christmastime so this is long-overdue. Yay!!! Also, working on registering, baby shower planning and more room-making. Phew!

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