Monday, November 4, 2013


I always like when bloggers post their favorite things. So, to sum up the wild, sometimes sad and very full-of-activity month of October I present some favorites, in no particular order:

  1. Edwards Apple Orchard Apple Cider Donuts -- these are better than all other apple cider donuts in the entire world. These donuts are made near my parents' house and thankfully my parents are kind enough to share them often. Since apple cider donuts come in packages of one dozen (or a Criner Dozen, with one removed to be quality-tested by the people delivering the donuts to you), you can eat them for days with a quick stop in the microwave. Or you can freeze them and eat them on cold, wintery days with extra cinnamon-sugar and a few minutes in a hot oven. Divine! Added bonus: all my Black Friday shopping is done at Edward's Apple Orchard. 
  2. The Good Wife -- just sensational television -- and the only show that I watch when it's on, rather than via Hulu+, Netflix or some other way-delayed way. Even B is on board!
  3. Pumpkin! Apples! Fall food! It's not news that fall is here, but any way to use the dozens of apples piling up in our home is happy news. We've made applesauce, apple compote with french toast, puffy oven pancake with apple, dried apples, sliced apples with honey, sliced apples with cinnamon sugar and more. There may be a pie in our future! We shall see. As for pumpkin and squash -- I've made squash soup which I often take along to work in my thermos. Just this morning I made some pumpkin pancakes which were pretty darn good, thanks to cinnamon, nutmeg and whipped cream. 
  4. Football! Go Bears! Go Huskies! B and his brothers are off to the Bears-Packers game tonight -- I don't think they'll see what they want to see, but I know they'll have fun.
  5. Cooking -- I feel like both B and I are doing some awesome cooking lately. It feels good after several weeks of complete mania -- late nights, early mornings, lots of work, things to do on days off, and the like -- it's nice to spend time at home wowing each other in the kitchen. I made some awesome tortilla soup on Saturday. B breakfast twice -- oatmeal with apples and his puffy oven pancake with apples. We worked together on a hearty Shepherd's pie. Yum!

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