Sunday, November 24, 2013

Whoosh! It's winter.

Life went from being all apples and pumpkins and fleece zip-ups to winter in about two seconds flat, right?

Well, maybe not. But November is moving a light speed and I feel like I'm just trying to catch up (and make sure I'm dressed appropriately for the weather!).

Last night on my way to work there was a huge Christmas parade and Michigan Avenue's beautiful holiday lights were turned on. It was complete mayhem -- lots of kids at a crazy evening parade, in the cold, most of them with light-up toys my parents would never have bought me. I had to walk a few extra blocks to get from the train side of the parade to the work side of the parade, but all in all it's a pretty merry time.

Work is a frenzy sometimes, though I'm learning to enjoy the calm moments and even find bits of serenity in busy shifts (usually during bathroom breaks...). I love my job. I love the kids and the families even when they're decidedly less-than-lovable. I cherish the hugs from kids when they leave and small victories of being an RN. I've got a system which works at least some of the time, though I completely called for help while changing a diaper last night just because it was that much of a disaster.

Our apartment is in transitional shambles right now -- especially because we've both been running around lately. But soon we'll put up the tree and lights and our Dickens Village -- it'll be magical here just like Michigan Avenue.

Tonight's another night shift so I'll keep this short & sweet! Happy Thanksgiving!

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