Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sleep -- or not sleeping, or dozing, whatever it is

Being a new RN means being slow sometimes, learning every single minute you're at work (even when it's just chatting up experienced RNs at 5 a.m.) and always as a rule working nights.

You put your time in, that's how nursing works.

I work 3 shifts a week, 7 p.m. to 7:30 a.m.

This means I sleep during the day, at least part of the week. Sometimes those 3 shifts a week run into each other, sometimes they're all in a row (giving you a luxurious set of days off without taking a single vacation day) and sometimes the schedule seems designed to make you completely confused.

I sleep pretty well, considering. I don't love working nights, but I love everything else about my job and knew this was part of nursing when I started working toward becoming an RN.

The construction across and down the street notwithstanding I have a decent place to lay my head. I take the train home each morning. I walk to the Brown Line (less than 1 mile) so I can decompress after my shift. I can doze on the train as needed. I get home, shower, unpack my backpack a little, and try to sleep on the couch or in my bed.

I don't sleep as much when I'm on day shift. But I sleep plenty when I'm not working and have always felt pretty great while I'm working. Sometimes I feel a little wrecked on the way home on those last days or on days when there's lots going on (like packing for a vacation!), but nothing ridiculous. Here are the things that make my odd schedule easier:

  • controlled caffeine intake.
  • drinking water while I'm at work.
  • eating good lunches & snacks at work. 
  • seeing B between shifts for breakfast or dinner or a walk.
  • walking a little before or after work (to the train or to meet B).
  • realizing it's only 3 days a week and that I can have a normal schedule a lot of the time!

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