Saturday, August 17, 2013

Back at it


I haven't been blogging lately, largely because I think no one care about my strange sleep schedule or obsession with consuming farm share veggies even if it means I eat radishes at work all night long or the weird life I lead nowadays.

But whatever. I hear there are a few people who DO care, and since going to a blog is completely voluntary I'm going to get back to shoutin'.

I know that people blog about all sorts of stupid things. So here I am blogging again. I'm so glad you're reading and hope this is at least a little interesting to you.

Major random updates:

  1. B and I just returned home from an incredible vacation (which I'll blog about soon) and noticed that a NEW construction site has been created (by knocking down an empty building) two doors south of us. There's also construction directly across the street where a condo building is being erected. So... this makes daytime sleeping pretty ridiculous. I've tended to sleep on our couch further away from the noise, often with a bit of Netflix to lull me to sleep. It's not perfect, but day-sleeping probably won't ever be perfect. I think that's why I only work 3 days a week!
  2. B and I have a reservation at Frontera Grill in September. We've been Rick Bayless fans for awhile since he's a public television food guy and a Chicago food celeb. We're excited to splruge with a giftcard that B got for his awesome work at his job. Yay!
  3. Today is Black Cat Appreciation Day, but Mr. Meowgi has been living on the high hog since we've been out of town (according to how huge he looks). So he is to be ignored until Fat Cat Appreciation Day rears its fat-cat head.
  4. Home is awesome. We got home this evening, unpacked for about 40 minutes like complete maniacs and then let the back-home-relaxation commence. We are knee-deep in relaxing. We have a box of produce to get thinking about (tomatoes, tomatoes and more tomatoes. Plus blackberries, which I might eat as soon as I finish this post.) as well as mail, newspapers, bills, and whatnot. And, after renting a Nissan Altima and returning to our 2002 Hyandai Elantra we might want to get thinking about a new car.... Maybe.
I'm back, friends. Thanks for the kick in the butt. :)

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