Monday, August 19, 2013

You're a peach!

Our farm share has been tossing a lovely number of peaches our way lately.

As a kid I grew up eating peaches from a jar or can, which are sweet and delicious and perfect when served alongside a meal cooked by my mom. I'll admit that I was apprehensive about what to do with the real deal when they made their fuzzy way into my kitchen.

We've made Peach Ice Cream and it's divine. Creamy, sweet and easy on the eyes. I've just eaten peaches plain or in a fruit salad, of course, and that's a pretty nice treat too.

This weekend we got a haul of peaches: one dozen fuzzy, good-sized peaches from Michigan!

These peaches begged me -- begged me -- to do something special with them. "Don't let us get soft," they cried. "When you pack us for lunch we get bruised! Stop that!" So I checked Smitten Kitchen -- a favorite food blog of mine -- and found Peach & Pecan Sandy Crumble.

To me, Pecan Sandies are very adult cookies. There's ground pecan in the dough, so they taste a little nutty like a peanut butter cookie but also very buttery like a shortbread cookies and they have little pecan bits too. A little fancy, very delicious.

My mom makes Pecan Balls, which are a similarly delicious cookie-like treat rolled in powdered sugar. They are a little messy and very yummy and my whole life I have thought of them as grown-up cookies.

While I did burn the pecans on my first round of toasting (d'oh!) I found this recipe pretty simple. We had everything (including pecans) on hand. Dealing with a haul of fruit is still a bit of work -- chopping, pitting, peeling if you wish, etc... but overall the short-lived mess in my kitchen was well worth it. Yum!

1 comment:

M.I. said...

Can't beat a fresh picked Juicy peach! Yum Yum! I love living so close to Michigan because I can take a short trip to get a bunch of fresh picked from a Farm stand.