Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I take research seriously, and when research says we're all better off if we start our days with something in our bellies, I believe it and follow suit. 

Even when diabetes is tricky, I make it a point to eat something in the mornings. And this has proven good for my energy, my hunger throughout the day and my mood. 

B is a breakfast fan too, so when he's home he often does breakfast up right. 

On Saturday we had a big pot of oatmeal with apples. B uses steel-cut oats and is crazy-dedicated to making perfect oats. It took me awhile to come around, but they are really fabulous and now one of my favorite ways to start a weekend.

During President Obama's Inauguration B tried a new recipe for Puffy Oven Pancake with apples. 

During the week I nibble on cereal, yogurt, or both. My favorite right now is a little granola, some frozen blueberries and a ton of milk.

I also love blueberry muffins, zucchini bread, pumpkin muffins, toast with peanut butter, Cheerios and the occasional plate of leftovers. Yum!

Mr. Meowgi approves of breakfast. 

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