Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I don't know if all the running around of the past 16 months is catching up to me or if I stepped on a crack or if I upset someone with magic powers, but stuff is falling apart!

Last Thursday my Continuous Glucose Monitor started acting funny. I called customer support for help and they concluded that my CGM -- my Buddy which is with me all the time beeping about my blood glucose and helping me do an awesome job with my numbers -- was caput. I ordered a new one Friday night and got it this morning. This one is new -- it looks like an iPod instead of a weird egg-shaped cell phone. It's still setting itself up, but so far so good.

Today, right after I got my Buddy situated, my Personal Diabetes Manager -- my Kit -- started beeping. I reset it (with a paperclip) several times to no avail. A new Kit is on its way to me by Thursday. Luckily, I have a backup -- Old Kit. No color screen and slightly outdated settings, but it does the job! Phew!

But, lots of good stuff is happening too, and I try to be a Positive Pam (not a Negative Nan) so I will think of things like my upcoming (date still unknown) nursing exam, cooking up some awesome food  (including broccoli soup today!), enjoying some hilarious time on the couch with B (30 Rock, Arrested Development, Parks & Rec!) and loving some library books. 

Fingers crossed for nothing else to fall apart this week!

The new Buddy! Mine is blue, not pink. It's tiny!

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