Thursday, October 25, 2012

A few of my favorite things...

If I may (and I may because this is my blog), I wish to share some favorite things these days. 

Bear in mind that life is as strange as it can be -- Monday I got home at about 8:30 a.m., took a shower, slept on/off until about 4 p.m., took the bus to about halfway to school, walked the rest of the way to school, met school friends for coffee and went to class until 9:30 p.m. Then B picked me up and we came home to eat mac-n-cheese. 

See? Ridiculous!

Here are some awesome things in my life right now:

  • The prospect of a Treat Yo Self weekend. Manicure? Pedicure? Massage? New shoes? Yes, yes, yes, yes. 
  • My lunch/dinner/breakfast box. For a 12-hour shift I end up eating on a completely odd schedule. Sunday night I had a little salad, some peach crisp, some cereal, yogurt, a coffee and an apple with cinnamon sugar. I wasn't starving when I got home and I kept myself fueled. Perfect.
  • Driving home really early I pass the S. Rosen factory where hot dog buns and breads are made. It smells really wonderful. I passed lasted night at 3:30 a.m.
  • Speaking of driving home at ridiculous hours -- I zoomed -- I mean I passed like a dozen vehicles between the suburbs and home -- home from the hospital at 3 a.m. It was a treat.
  • Fun-size Halloween candies.
  • New pens -- I got a few from a job fair. Sweet!
  • I am now one of those people who understand the traffic report on the radio! I still don't get why Lake Shore Drive gets so little attention -- it's the best route. Sometimes.
Off for another 12-hour day... er... night?

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