Saturday, August 4, 2012

What just happened?

Today I tagged along for a make-up pediatric clinical helping out at a Back-to-School Health Fair for homeless families not too far from our house.

I woke up early on a Saturday, rode my bike there in the heat, and spend the day being a nurse! With patients! And paperwork! And hard-to-find blood pressure cuffs. And confusion aplenty. And using my stethoscope. And trying to count respirations on a wiggly baby.

It was honestly the best day of nursing school yet.

I gave immunizations to two kids -- five shots total. I saw a happy, smiling 5-month old go from wide-eyed and sweet to screaming-mad in two seconds flat. I complimented a 10-year-old on handling her shots without flinching. I drew up vaccines. I tossed sharps in the special sharps container.

It was real, serious nursing. And I loved it. Hooray!

And, I came home to summer thunderstorms!

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