Sunday, June 3, 2012

Happy birthday to Mr. Meowgi!

I'm not at all a pet person, but Mr. Meowgi turned 10 this weekend and it does make me smile to think of him as a 10-year-old kitty cat.

Mr. Meowgi is a great cat. He's sweet, affectionate, smart and curious. He's also incredibly naughty, loves people food (butter, olive oil, cheese, bacon, asparagus, peppers, whatever... he loves it all) and meows for food sometimes just to be a punk. 

Mr. M is B's kitty through and through. B was Mr. M's mama since he was adopted (by B, our friend Katie and me) in August 2002. He ran away once and B almost worried himself silly. Of course Mr. M sauntered back and refused to ever spill the beans about where he was. That's how that kitty is -- sneaky and full of love. 

But he's sweet. He is snuggly almost anytime you need a snuggle. He's fun and playful. He's friendly to strangers. He's a perfect companion when you wish to nap or cook.

So, happy birthday MM!

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