Thursday, March 10, 2011


Life is excellent! Can I tell you why? I shall!
  1. My best friend Julie is in town! Her workplace recently imploded so she's enjoying life as a hot journalism commodity. More specifically, she's enjoying being a hot commodity from Chicago -- we've shopped, ate good food and worked out so far. Up ahead - pie-making, game night, movies, shopping more, niece time tomorrow, and some serious cocktails.
  2. My job is awesome -- it's strange to have a job that I'm both good at and completely unconcerned about. Don't get me wrong, I am focused on the kids while I'm there -- we paint, play, use our words, have a great time -- but I don't take work home. I don't worry about that place besides when I'm there. Heavenly!
  3. School is super. We just finished the digestive system (and the corresponding trickiness of nutrition). Though the urinary system is decidedly less delicious I'm enjoying all of this. Physiology is awesome.
  4. Spring is near!
  5. Debt is gone! B and I ran into a little debt and just knocked it down! POW! It's a wonderful feeling. I can't recommend enough -- it's an excellent way to see where the hell all your money goes and make smart decisions with the facts in front of you.
  6. Two of my favorite people are celebrating awesome birthdays next weekend -- my MOM and one of my delightful nieces. I love parties and I'm helping to plan both!

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