Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I'm feeling ready.

I'm ready for spring.

I'm ready to hear from nursing schools (though I actually still have time to apply to Resurrection University, Loyola University and Rush University). I'm ready to find out what the hell is going to happen with my/our life(lives) and what's next. No matter how qualified I am, how much I think I've got to offer nursing schools, I'm still freaked-the-hell-out about what's going to happen.

I'm ready for moving! Moving! Yes. We are moving from our view-of-the-skyline apartment (with its craptastic kitchen, creaky floors, lack of heat and horrifyingly fungal bathroom) to someplace new. We're continuing the rental ride so we aren't looking for The One, but we are looking for a place that will work for the next several years. We're hoping for a 2-bedroom place, with a nice kitchen, modern amenities (especially a dishwasher and a clothes washer/dryer) and a location near the train. We saw a place last weekend and another today -- both duds, probably. But it's fun to look, consider the options and find what's next. Exciting!

I'm ready to run. It's just wonderful to run. We're experience our last cold spell and I'm going to the gym as much as possible, swimming every Monday and preparing to run something interesting. (Women's 10K in July or Soldier Field 10-Mile in May? We'll see.) Swimming - each Monday after work - is heavenly. I do about a half-mile swim which takes me about 25 minutes. Though I assure you I can pull a full-size person off the bottom of a pool (as a lifeguard), I prefer to swim a reasonable breaststroke, between laps of intense freestyle, my sad attempts at butterfly and a few random swimming moves. Anyway, swimming makes me feel like $1 million bucks. It's wonderful!

I'm ready for our Community Supported Agriculture share to start! We love supporting community agriculture, Big Head Farms and farmers farming good food. I'm excited for new food to try, the delicious bounty of summer and our continuing evolution into better cooks/healthier people.

I'm ready for what's next. For real! :)

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