Time and place: 11PM at home.
Cooking: Black bean soup, pumpkin muffins, pita pizzas, grilled pita bread, tomato red pepper soup, pasta, cereal....
Awaiting: Some packages from Amazon including Playdoh tools for Daily, a puzzle for puzzle-whiz Daily, accessories for my new cell phone (!), some lavender essential oil to help me relax after night shift (I sleep in a bright, bright room, which I love, but it's hard to settle down) and other junk.
Experiencing: a toddler! She's chatty and adventurous and smart and funny. Daily is terrific! She is a ton of fun these days. She loves the tub, exploring, songs, eating (except for today - she ate cheerios mostly) and stories. She loves stories so much. Her dad and I pretty much turn into goo when she brings a book to us and asks us to read it. It's wonderful.
Working on: My Advance file for work -- it's a program my work has for nurses to demonstrate their expertise and get a nice bonus check. I'm excited to work on it and have a few cool projects to do in the next few months. I am also a major work nerd. I love being a nurse.
Reading: Notorious RGB: The Life & Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg -- a completely amazing story of a completely amazing woman! Just finished it!
Listening: Podcasts! I'm nutty about podcasts -- I love Planet Money and Serial! Planet Money is quick and not-too-heavy, so I go pretty crazy for that. Who knew the fed could be so cool? I learned about the history and math of lotteries! I listen on my way to and from work. It's pretty fun! And also, Adele is amazing.
Craving: Soup!
Hating: The bright, blinding sunshine of mid-winter. It highlights all the dustbunnies, dried up spots of salty snow and random mess. As a night-shift-er I prefer clouds. Especially when my window are shut. Also, I think we need to clean our windows. Hrmph.
Loving: Any bearable moment outside, reading stories with Daily, cooking and my new planner.
Anticipating: A new cell phone that connects with my continuous glucose monitor! One less thing to carry! Our first spring in the new house, a maybe-deck-redo, flowers, grass, flowers and more flowers.
Watching: The Intern -- it's a hoot! We are finishing it tomorrow. Yay!
Happy! On the deck of Aunt Jules' place in LA.
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