Thursday, March 7, 2013


I am exhausted. 

I've spent the last four days learning about the new hospital I'm working at -- benefits, delegation, mentoring, social work, family perspectives, infection control, pain management, dress code. And we got 8 inches of snow. And there's construction on the Brown Line. So, life has been pretty ridiculous these last few days.

But this is my dream job. And I couldn't be happier.

My job is awesome. The hospital I'm working at is among the most incredible places I've ever been in my life. Everything there -- from the dress code to the building design to the cafeteria to the phones and well beyond.

I'm definitely overwhelmed and excited. I'm part of a fantastic internship program that means I will be super-supported until I feel much less overwhelmed (and possibly less excited). 

Even though working here has been my dream for quite some time and I was very calculated about going to nursing school to become a pediatric nurse, I still can't believe this is happening. How'd I get so lucky? How'd all that hard work turn into this? Whoa. 

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