Sunday, February 10, 2013


I'm in awe of how little I have to do now.

I don't need to study or take practice tests or call the testing people about moving my test date around. I don't have school anymore. I don't have papers to write, study guides to make, books to read or classes to prepare for. 

You know what I have to do tomorrow?


This is amazing. And beautiful. And totally, completely weird.

I've been on this voyage to become a nurse since the summer of 2009 when I took a nutrition/biology class at Truman College. It's been a lot of work, but also pretty amazing. I've found something I absolutely love and feel meant to do. 

Tomorrow I'm going to run errands, drop off a trunk full of donations to Goodwill, sweep the floors, bake some zucchini bread and enjoy my version of doing nothing. It will be amazing.

Which one of us is happier to have fewer textbooks and less studying in this house? It's a draw!

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