Saturday, December 29, 2012

Free time?!?

Graduation, test-prep week and much of the madness of the holidays all have passed by. Life has calmed down and suddenly I have time on my hands.

A brief outline of what I'm doing with my time:

  • Studying for the nursing boards! I have online resources so I do 50 questions, review all those, and then (hopefully) repeat. I'm also using some books and meeting up with friends after the holiday hoopla is over.
  • Cleaning! I'm getting more like a clean person -- though I've gone through my "heap" of paperwork, bills, documents and crap like 15 times without making it much smaller at all. 
  • Cooking -- So far I've made spritz cookies, fancy carrots, minestrone soup with croutons, kale with beans, pasta e fagoli soup, peppermint cookies and a few other goodies. And I made the minestrone soup as a cupboard cleanout! Victory! 
  • BFF Time! This is the best possible thing ever. I've seen BFFs Julie Beth, Cindy and Dana this week. We chat, we eat, we drink, we giggle, we talk about way-back-when and what's-new-now. It's amazing. I miss my faraway friends and wish I could skip down the block to NYC, DC or Denver every single day.
  • Shopping -- I've stopped in at a few shops nearby and found an awesome suburban mall near my friend Amy's home (with good Italian food -- at the mall! Weird!) so I can get a friend fix, a shopping fix and a glass of wine. Awesome.
  • Catching up on bad television. We don't have cable, but we do have Hulu+ and Netflix which affords me the luxury of watching things like Gossip Girl, How I Met Your Mother and other complete crap. It's a complete guilty pleasure that I could not feel less guilt or more pleasure from. 
  • Discovering how fun my life is. What could be better than realizing that I have an awesome family, amazing husband and the best friends ever? I didn't forget this during nursing school but it's definitely heavenly to have a reminder of this during these short winter days. 
Hooray friends!

Sometimes you're so busy you wearing a nice dress with heels and a backpack full of textbooks waiting for a taxi. And sometimes you wear pajamas all day. Such is life. 

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