Monday, December 31, 2012


I've got a boatload of change happening before my eyes with or without a new calendar year. I'm job-searching, nursing-boards prepping and we've got lots of goals for the next year just in the little home B & I share.

In 2013 I want to blog more.

In 2013 I want to walk a lot, run, ride my bike and feel strong.

In 2013 I want to relax, read library books, dance around the apartment, cook, take photos and follow the news.

In 2013 I want to pass the nursing boards. On the first try.

In 2013 I want to host a dinner party.

In 2013 I want to go to NYC, DC and tubing down a river. 

In 2013 I want to get textbooks out of my house and photos up on my walls. 

For now I'm off to the grocery with my BFF, cooking during the day with her & B, and spending the Eve with amazing friends playing board games. It may sound boring, but I promise I'll be grinning ear to ear -- and that's a goal I should be able to reach every day. 

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