Sunday, September 30, 2012

Amazing adventures in the wacky life of Mandasaurus

Honestly. Where does time/life/summer/fall go?

I'm pretty certain I started nursing school about three weeks ago, but somehow I'm graduating in less than 80 days. And I swear we were just talking about going to the beach again before it got cool out. And wasn't President Obama elected like a year ago? 

Life moves pretty fast.

BFF Julie Beth came to visit this weekend. She's on her way from Los Angeles (her old home) to New York City (her new home). Luckily we got a few days of Julie Beth fun including cooking, shopping, two beer gardens and some lounging.

I gave blood -- with Julie Beth and B -- this weekend for one of B's cousin's Eagle Scout projects. Although I've converted B to a blood donor, I'm not quite sure I'm up for donated packed red blood cells like I have been doing lately. That wipes me out! Julie and I were a little zombie-ish after the experience. Rest assured: cookies help and I'm back to 100 percent.

The weather has been absolutely perfect lately. Breezy cool nights and breezy sunny days. 

Clinical has been fantastic. Next week we have a mock code simulation so I've got to prepare myself to do some life-saving stuff. I've been CPR trained about a dozen times, so I get the idea. I need to study-up on the nursing skills -- like giving medications and checking heart rhythms. I'm seriously learning how to do this? Whoa.

B and I have gotten into a beautiful reading-grove. (That's him at the library!) I love hitting the library and finding great new books. And I re-read a long-favorite Mary Higgins Clark mystery recently -- thanks to our library's awesome collection. It was spooky and wonderful. I'm excited to start fall with more mysteries!

I'm excited for all that's coming up this fall: a fest, some parties, a nursing school ceremony, a nursing school graduation (!!!), lots of soup, lots of chili, lots of football, an apple pie or two, some new clinical adventures, and lots more. Yikes!

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