Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bike ride

Yesterday Vic, Sam, B and I braved the heat (which mellowed out into a pretty cool eve) for a long bike ride across state lines.

We biked from Flossmoor, Illinois to Muenster, Indiana -- 28 miles roundtrip. Our destination was Three Floyd's Brewery (which was mildly pretentious, but still fun) where Vic's awesome wife met us with her car. She took a case of beer for B, but we all biked there and back -- no pick ups needed!

We snaked through forest preserves, down windy roads, past a quarry, through neighborhoods and even saw a few deer. There were some terrific breezes and by the time we arrived at Christina's parent's house it was almost dark. And we got to jump in the pool!

I love to bike. I love biking to school nowadays. 

About 31 years ago I loved riding on the back of my parent's bike to go to the mall or Maid Rite or just check out scenic Sterling, Illinois. I had an awesome bike seat that we got for my first birthday. 

I loved riding my Care Bear bike around our neighborhood. And later I loved (LOVED) riding my old Schwinn bike with its banana seat, sparkles and basket. 

Yesterday on our ride I wasn't the fastest (B and Sam can zoom ahead like professionals), but I was able to keep trucking long after other people lost steam. Vic called me "a machine" because I just kept pedaling and I was the only one who didn't feel sore as we hopped off our bikes!

1 comment:

M.I. said...

That photo is just a touch creepy!