Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A day off?!?

This morning, just as I sat down on the bus, arranging my coffee so it won't spill even if I doze off as we speed down Lake Shore Drive, my phone buzzed. It was my clinical instructor "We are NOT having clinical today." I hopped off the bus with a spring in my step.


What does a frazzled accelerated nursing student do with a day off? Especially when her husband is at home busy at work!

  • Go back to sleep! Check! After confirming that we really didn't have clinical and it wasn't a hoax text message (how would that even happen?) I snuggled back in bed. Delightful.
  • Go to the bank!
  • Go to the post office.
  • Use my Bath & Body Works giftcard (finally) and return some running shorts at Marshalls. 
  • Get our car emissions tested (snooze!).
  • Study at a coffee shop, or something.
  • Do laundry I'm not normally interested in doing, like sheets, towels and rugs.
  • Eat peach ice cream, made last night with peaches from our farm share. Peachy!
Hope your Tuesday is great even if you don't get a surprise off day.

What a summery pic! This is from ages ago when I played softball in Cambridge, Mass. Hey batta! 

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