Saturday, May 26, 2012

10 Miles - Done!

Today's Soldier Field 10-Miler was forecasted to be hot, hot, hot!

But the weather forecast changed, as usual, and it was cloudy, cool and breezy for at least 7 of the 10 miles. The sun snuck out for the very end, but not so much it bothered anyone. 

I felt pretty good, though I did walk a bit here and there. My time wasn't great, but I can't expect a lot from not training very well. I need to make running a part of my routine -- every few days! That's the plan for the next few weeks -- this will get my legs stronger, my stride better and my muscles ready.

At the very end I felt like my muscles were done, but I kept moving. I thought to myself that if I could handle everything else in my life in the last year or so that I could keep running. I listened to great songs on my iPod. I kept moving as fast as I could. I ran across the finish line -- smiling on the Jumbotron with B cheering me on!

Anyway, finishing 10 miles -- in a beautiful way or not -- feels awesome! 

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