Sunday, April 3, 2011


There are windows open in our house! Open windows!

It's almost certainly momentary -- but it's something.

Today we spent a lot of time strolling and running in our neighborhood - leaving us feeling all the more like staying here forever, but not sure about affording/wanting the place we want around here... Oh! Apartment hunting...

We also cleaned out a pit of a hall closet - leading us to toss several pairs of crappy shoes, some never-used reusable grocery bags and other crap. Moving will go smoothly if we keep up with this tossing behavior.

Anyway, best friend Julie is coming to Chicago tomorrow. I'm meeting her downtown and staying at her Hard Rock Hotel room Monday night. Then B and some friends and I will go to the Cubs game while Julie is at her interview. Busy indeed!

1 comment:

Magnolia said...

What a neat post! Thank you for sharing!