Saturday, April 2, 2011

Things I see while running

I totally forgot that running is like taking a little adventure. Like urban hiking. I usually just weave along side streets in my neighborhood, listening to my iShuffle and checking out everything I pass.

Today on my run I saw:
  • That B's car has four flat tires. He's left it parked on a certain side street since September. Seriously. I'm completely uninvolved in this and think it's ridiculous, but 4 for 4 flat tires is pretty outstanding, right?
  • A few apartment buildings to check out.
  • Ravenswood Billboard Factory - from a distance. It's really hard to find the actual building though. I'm looking this one up. I saw the upper part with all the windows, but not the base of the building. Where the hell is it? (Note: Ravenswood Avenue is on both sides of the Metra tracks, near the El and little tricky. I will find it.)
  • Some hints of spring like flowers starting to pop up.
  • A nice big dog whose owner kept it from getting close to me. Thanks!
  • Swings tied to tree branches - fun!
  • Too many Chicagoans wearing winter coats. It's warm out! I wore shorts! It's April. C'mon.
Another run tomorrow... Yay spring!

This photo is from our honeymoon when we visited Ravenswood Winery in Sonoma. We love their wine and I usually wear my Ravenswood Winery hat (from my parents) when I run in my neighborhood, Ravenswood!

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