Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Highs and Lows

What a week! 

Awesome: We attended a 40th birthday party + housewarming + holiday shindig with some of our most amazing friends. Drinks, food, kids knee-deep in toys (we were warming the house of a guy who works at a toy company, after all) and laughs galore.

Not cool: About 24 hours post-party tummies started rumbling and a gastrointestinal bug plowed its way through kids and adults alike! B lost about 1.5 days of work and I called in sick for the first time in almost a year. Gross. All recovered now, so we can just laugh about it next year. And add hand-sanitizer favors for all future parties.

Amazing: Daily protested leaving preschool twice this week because she was missing books. "I love books!" she called out as we hustled out the door. Twice.

Less so: If Daily takes a 20 minute nap at preschool her bedtime is delayed by 2 hours, apparently. We are trying every trick we have to get her to bed, but these naps are the worst. 

Terrible: My iPhone, which is about 22 months old, stopped working, or at least the screen did. I took it to two Apple stores, questioned all decisions I've ever made in my entire life that lead me to be standing in an Apple Store with two small children on a freezing day when Daily screamed about wanting to just stay home, and then gave some sort of meaningful death stare to one of the dozens of Apple employees...

Excellent: As we waited for tests and a diagnoses, an amazing Apple Store Old Orchard employee named Ozzie played Beast Balance with Daily and Franklin for almost an hour. Daily is a pretty peachy kid and I don't blame Ozzy for enjoying playing this silly Jenga-Jumanji-computer-phone game with her, but it was a nice part of a stupid outing. 

Delightful: It's December -- there are lights up all over and we can take short walks around to see decorations. We can read Christmas books and we've put up a few decorations.

Cautious: But we're totally afraid to put up our tree because Franklin might totally topple it. He's getting bigger and almost walking and so interested in everything. So, do we wait? Do we get a tiny tree? Do we just gate off the tree? Not sure how this will shake out, but we're enjoying December even without a tree.

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