Sunday, September 11, 2011

Baby alert

Yup. We're expecting. A baby. In March.

This is pretty exciting. And so far it's been smooth sailing by all accounts. My blood glucose control is tops -- thanks in part to B's dedication to checking my continuous glucose monitor frequently, careful meal-planning and my dedication to eating spoons of peanut butter for protein.

We're psyched. It's a little scary too and even scarier if I start thinking about the logistics of a newborn arriving during my 16-month accelerated nursing program, but it's awesome. We'll plan and if our plans change, that's cool. It'll work out. Babies, I hear, have a magical way of making things work.

Currently the plan is for the baby to bounce right along with me in nursing school. By March I'll be in class less and in clinical settings more. Hopefully I can bulk up my clinicals before the baby comes, or bulk them up after the baby is settled into our lives. Other people have had babies in nursing school without going crazy, so can I.

We're very slowly cleaning out our extra room so there's space for a baby and a minimal amount of baby stuff. I'm trying to eat well and pop goodies in the freezer for crazier times as we go. I'm taking life a little easy -- more naps, earlier bedtime, and packing good lunches.

I'm getting pretty experimental with non-alcoholic drinks. Right now I'm sipping a seltzer water with a dash of elderflower syrup (from Ikea). I've been tossing everything in sight into seltzer -- grapefruit, pineapple, berries, fresh mint, and lime. And I've got minty sun tea ready to simmer in the morning.

We'll continue to post about how things are going with this growing baby-to-be. And, now I'm off to whip up some peanut butter toast. Somebody's hungry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you guys :) Watching your family grow will be awesome. (I'm also selfishly excited for the gaggle of babies at family events!!)