Thursday, June 30, 2011

Let's go to the mall!

Big adventure day today.

I drove to work in Evanston and after a day of 5-year-olds I headed a bit northwest to Old Orchard Mall. I made my stop swift, not because it was raining or because there are enormous goldfish at the pond there (seriously, those could eat someone!). I got down to business at the mall, here's what I did:
  • Clinique Bonus - A wonderful double-bubble. I got my favorite moisturizer and sunblock with a sweet bag (yes, I have like 12 other sweet bags, but I'll eventually figure out a use for most of them) full of goodies. This Bonus included a C (for Clinique or Criner!) keychain and a teeny-tiny sunblock.
  • Free Birthday Gifts at Sephora and The Body Shop. I got a "Happy Birthday Beautiful" Philosophy bottle of soap (aww, shucks!) and a sweet grapefruit scrub for getting all the diabetes-related stickies off my belly. Just for turning 31!
  • I headed a little further north to Wilmette to Bed Bath and Beyond. My MOM helped me figure out some household purchases including stools for eating at. B is still working on putting those together and they might not be The Stools of Our Dreams, but that's for another day. Sidenote: It's funny to watch B put things together.
  • I also got a new shower curtain and a tablecloth to use on a project with my MOM this weekend.
  • I also stopped in at a groc - who doesn't love visiting a foreign grocery store?!? (I love the grocery. I used to work within walking distance of two groceries and spend probably half my total breaktime from work visiting one or both of them.) I got a red pepper, some ground pork from a meat man, a bottle of Rex Goliath chardonnay for dinner.
Now I am home. And very happy. It's a pretty nice treat to get some goodies and some much-needed-house-stuff, right?

That's my Clinique favorite. I love it.


Anonymous said...

My all-time favorite lotion!

Debo said...

You should have posted a photo of him putting the stools together!