Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A jolly good list

Here's a list of some things that are bringing me great joy despite my moving anxieties:
  1. B has new shorts - they're red athletic shorts. And he continually pairs them with green t-shirts. His Christmas style in May always give me occasion to say something silly.
  2. Windows open! Our new place isn't so window-heavy so I'm savoring the swift winds of Montrose Avenue. Will Damen Avenue be as breezy?
  3. Dizzy (our disabled cat) finds moving supplies to be the best thing to play with. He likes to find bubble wrap, packing paper and boxes to knock around when he wishes for us to address his needs. This is mostly annoying but also funny and cute.
  4. I've been working in scenic Evanston since January but just recently it's become a beautiful place to hang out. I've been seriously enjoying my walks -- even the ones with a troop of 2.5-year-olds. There are big houses, interesting houses, interesting big houses, beautiful buildings, flowers galore, tree-lined streets and eventually I'll stumble upon Northwestern University. Right?
  5. A democrat just won in New York! Whoo!
That's enough out of me! Back to packing! Or something. GO CUBS!

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