Saturday, April 2, 2011

Waiting to hear!

I applied to the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Nursing in January. This month - "the end of April" - I'll hear whether my essays, transcripts, recommendations, resume, writing and potential for leadership make me a good fit for their small, well-regarded program. I'm very nervous.

I feel like I'm a good fit for UIC, but I'm aware that many others might be good fits too. So the wait is on...

Today I'm taking a run in the warm weather, meeting a former work collegue for dinner and using a Groupon I bought this week. BFF Julie comes to Chicago Monday for a week, then B and I plan to head to DC for a weekend.

All this should make the waiting easier, right?

Photo above is from my trip to DC last fall. We were at a bar, not "back in Panama" as Cindy said at the time. I guess the scuffed up wall is decor.

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