Friday, April 15, 2011

Good grief!

Lots going on... definitely some shining moments of triumph, but also some downers lately... To list it out for you all:
  • I didn't get into University of Illinois at Chicago's College of Nursing. This continues to be pretty awful. It was my top choice for many reasons -- but I'm on to whatever's next. Maybe UIC will be a choice for something later on (how many degrees do I want?!?). From the website, it appears I'm in at DePaul, so that's something. DePaul isn't nearly as good a program as UIC or as affordable. I'm still finishing up my Loyola application (second top choice) and have Resurrection University and Rush University to consider as well. The worst part of this: the torment of thinking that my grades from 10 years ago are affecting my life. I wouldn't take back a moment of undergrad -- those were some of the most educational, awesome years of my life -- but I hate that someone takes something serious away from those grades... for another post...
  • We took the cats to the vet. As much as a fan I am of doctors and medicine for humans, I'm not as into kitty-doctoring. Mr. Meowgi appears to have asthma. Dizzy hardly has any teeth. (What?!?) I don't know what to do with all this information from the vet... but I do know that Meowgi's been a little sick for the last few days - poor pal! He's moving along to feeling better, but for now I'm blaming those quacks at the vet for our sad cat.
  • I started riding my bike again! Hooray! On Tuesday I was reminded of the perils of biking in the city -- I almost hit a cab that cut me off (making a right turn in front of me) and then about a half mile later as I slowed down to arrive at school a guy opened a cab door on me. I tumbled very safely off my bike, swore, freaked out a bit and was completely unharmed. Phew! I truly bike carefully - I obey traffic laws and watch myself. Just the same it's rough out there. Thursday, though, my ride was perfect!
  • I've got a sniffly combo of a cold and allergies. I blame cabdrivers.
This upcoming week is my spring break - excited to get a ton done. Want to know what? Sure you do!
  1. Body Worlds Exhibit at the Museum of Science & Industry - for a school project.
  2. Clean oven, bathroom, fridge, etc... to make moving day a tiny bit easier. Also clean fans with awesome fan-cleaning device lent to me by my fam!
  3. Run!
  4. Buy a new helmet for biking. I hear that helmets can handle one fall so my awesome pink one is out of business.
  5. Pack! Four boxes down...
  6. Throw away stuff! Where did all this stuff come from?
  7. Study.
  8. Finish school projects.
  9. Find a new apartment - we're on the hunt!
This is from our post-game (actually it was during the game, since it was freezing out) Cubs celebration. I'm reminded to maintain my Go-Cubs-Go-attitude. Go Cubs!

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