Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Let it snow

Chicago is rarely knocked over by weather.

In my 3.5 years in this darling city I've seen Chicago handle rain, wind, cold, heat, snow and storms gracefully. Even a sinkhole a block from our place wasn't anything to hoot about.

But this storm - Snowtorious BIG, as some are calling it - is occasion to pause. I mean it - pause! Stay home, don't go to work, don't even consider driving (why would you even consider that?!?), drink hot chocolate, watch movies, and relax.

The city is handling this quite admirably so far as I can see from my fourth floor view. We've seen plows chug by, watched plenty of buses cautiously run their routes and heard sirens too.

Last night we took a walk to pick up a prescription and some groceries. It was delightful and treacherous. A bar we passed offered us a free second drink if we came in - we declined. Along Lincoln Avenue we ran into a woman who works at our grocery store and helped her walk the few blocks she couldn't handle in the wind.

We got home safely (and with ingredients to make stew today) and we're planning another walk for today once it calms down a little bit. (Is this Lake Effect? Who knows.)

Happy Snow Day!

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