Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Our New Year's Eve party was a perfect event - lots of guests, lots of drinks, lots of fun. Sadly the lots of food we prepared was not required - our guests showed up fed and late (but we are still happy that they showed up).

This means that dinner all week is delicious stuff like bacon-wrapped dates and mini-pizzas made from pitas. Delicious! Not totally nutritious, but we bought a bag of spinach for salads, so that counts for something.

I've got a job interview(!!!) tomorrow for a part-time position at a Y nearby working in their preschool program. Hopefully this is a good balance of work, but not too much - allowing me to continue to watch my niece, study, work on nursing school applications and be just a little lazy sometimes. I'm really excited about the interview - a reason to dig out my dress clothes! Seriously, I literally haven't worn dress pants since May.

It's still cold out - the radiator is hissing away right now, but the snow melted during the tropical heat wave of New Year's Eve. Chicago is ready for a new blanket of pretty snow - no crunchy gray stuff for our streets!

This post isn't focused whatsoever - my apologies. I've got school applications to do, a dear friend in town on break, jobs to interview for, bad television shows to put on at the gym while I work out, wine to drink, books to read and all that. There's a lot ahead for this 2011 business - and I like it.

The photo here was taken on our honeymoon at Channel Islands National Park in California. It's got nothing to do with 2011 except that I think it's a cool photo and it's my blog, so I do what I want. Might as well share good photos, right?

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