Saturday, February 7, 2015

Back at it.

Life is crazy, but I figure if I don't document it I'll have to re-read all my emails in 10 years to remember what it was like to have a crazy baby and an awesome job and figure out how to buy a house. So, I resolve to get back at this blogging thing.

So, let's keep it short and sweet.

Life is crazy, but it's awesome.

Daily is moving and crawling and pulling up all over creation. She is a riot of growls, happy yelps and babbling. We are incredibly lucky to have a baby who adapts well to two working parents.

Speaking of work -- B is working at home about 90+ percent of the time. This is especially nice in the winter, but it's a good thing overall for nurse-schedule life.

I'm in the midst of ICU orientation. After nearly two years at the hospital I'm getting trained to handle our most complicated patients. It's exciting and scary. Luckily I have awesome nurses to help me learn and stand by me while I do new things like change diapers on patients on ventilators or give positive pressure ventilation. Overall nursing is the very best job I could imagine doing.

I'm on two committees, which I like, since it's part of the big picture of healthcare -- making systems work better, eliminating barriers to good care and figuring out why we mess things up sometimes.

The more time I spend with very sick kids the more I realize how incredibly blessed we are. And I better write that down, right?

On the Brown Line after a fun trip downtown. 

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