Tuesday, June 3, 2014


She's here!

Daily Beth Issleb Criner arrived on May 27!

I went into labor (unbeknownst to me) that morning. After a lot of denial, a seriously failed attempt to to to work and some deep breaths, we headed to the hospital. We got there at about 7 a.m. and got situated with everything by 9 a.m. Daily made her debut at 1:38 p.m. Quick! But not too quick.

We hit a few roadbumps while in the hospital -- Daily had low blood sugars (common with babies of diabetic moms) and a little jaundice that is resolving itself with lots of eating. We're working on at-the-breast breastfeeding, but she's eating like a champ. Overall, Daily is as awesome as babies come.

She's chunky with roly-poly legs and arms. When you hold her she falls into a little chubby-chubster positions sometimes, looking so juicy that I just can't believe it. She's snuggly and agreeable even when we don't know how to

put her clothes on. Somehow she is learning to hold up her head and move from her back to her side. She's ours!

Chunk-a-roo with dad, snuggles with mom on day 1

Aunt Julie & Daily time

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