Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What's new?


Life is super weird right now.

I work nights. B works days.

I work 3 days a week, which means I don't work 4 days a week. 

It's spring here in Chicago -- warm, almost muggy and there are finally leaves on trees over here. But here's what's new!

Work for me is fabulous. I love it. I'm learning a lot. Sometimes I feel like I'm running around like a maniac for 12 hours, but more and more I feel like a real nurse. And I am a real nurse. I call doctors to ask for changes to patient meds. I send messages to the pharmacy about medications missing labels. I talk to parents about their kids. I ask questions. I give kids their medications. I check IVs. I chart, chart, chart and then chart some more.

Almost as good as feeling like a real RN is the fact that I leave the house knowing (or at least feeling much more confident) about what to wear, what to bring for lunch, what to plan for. That doesn't mean I don't still eat parts of my lunch on the train home, or that I don't still get lost at least once per shift. I do.

We (B & I) took a delightful quick trip to New York City. We hit some bars in Queens, walked 10 miles (!) in Manhattan, went to a rained-out Yankees Day and got to catch up with Julie. Here we are at Eataly -- an Italian restaurant-grocery-bar. We took the elevator up to the rooftop (with a cover-able roof for the rainy day) where we shared a bottle of rose' wine, some cheese, olive oil and bread. Yum!

Besides our travel and adventures, we are happy these days. We have plants growing in our yard, our farm share starting toward the end of June, a campout planned before then, and even letting rainy days be nice ones. Hooray!

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