Sunday, January 16, 2011

Taking it easy

B and I are on a serious 2011 calm-down streak. After the mayhem of the holidays, we're thrilled to spend time at home taking it very easy. This weekend we had friends over for wine-drinking on Friday, did very little on Saturday and watched the Bears game with family-friend-types on Sunday. Perfectly relaxing.

I'm starting both school (my LAST class before nursing school!) and a new job(!!!) this week. This means I'll be a lot busier than I've been. I've been, a welcome change of pace. We've been doing a lot of cooking, movie-watching and book-reading. Here's a run down of the highlights:
  • Presently I am watching the amazing movie Clue.
  • I'm also enjoying re-watching 30 Rock and How I Met Your Mother, at least the episodes we have on DVD.
  • I've got a queue of books headed my way through the library. I just finished Atul Gawande's Complications: A Surgeon's Notes on an Imperfect Science - it's a great account of the way surgery works and the difficult questions in medicine.
  • Now I'm reading Gimme Shelter by Mary Elizabeth Williams -- an interest story about buying homes. It takes place in NYC, which I think is a whole 'nother ballgame compared to any other market, but it's still a good read.
  • We've cooked our share of soups - yum!
Lots ahead -- but I think our restful ways are preparing us perfectly.

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