Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Exciting events, zooming right to you!

  1. My Golden Birthday is Saturday! Yay for 28 on the 28th, and for cookouts with wonderful friends.
  2. My mom and dad bought me a giant, silver letter A (for awesome) for said birthday. It's really perfect.
  3. Today was Spring Cleaning in my home. We scrubbed, mopped, moved furniture and plotted a massive clearance of many bad items. Somehow my DigiPup landed in the "do not keep" pile. I will sneak it out in the night! It's such a cute battery-operated pet.
  4. I bought a slip-cover for my couch today. It's not really anything special, just a big, odd-shaped blanket that sort of fits over the couch (like a blanket). I put it on, adjusted it, tucked it, draped it, evened it and soon I am returning it.
  5. My workplace is officially in crazy-summer-mode. Our camp program keeps things incredibly busy. My desk is over-run with health forms, health form exemption letters, resumes, applications, and a box full of recycling. I did manage to hire about 10 mostly excellent new employees. Whoa! Who knew I could do that?
  6. I've joined a trivia team. We vie to win an $800 first prize, $200 second prize and many assorted other raffle-type fun. While I'm entirely unable to identify songs and their artists after hearing a snippet of a song, I'm really good at remember random crap about Jessica Alba's baby, Notorious BIG's real name and assorted topics. Here's hoping for a cool acronym category next week!
  7. My best friend is visiting this weekend. We're watching new medical reality show Hopkins, seeing Sex and The City Movie (again), getting pedicures, cooking and generally acting preposterous. Yay!

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