Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Running just as fast as I can...

After my recent Race to Wrigley 5K success I've been thinking pretty happy running thoughts.

(Before the race I was lamenting about how "I'm just not a runner," "running is just not for me" and "I will run the race and that's it." Oh, silly me!)

Today I put those thoughts to the streets with a wonderful 2 mile run through my neighborhood. I used Map My Run to check out how far I went. I'm not just writing this to brag about my living up to my personal fitness pledges though.

I actually learn things on my runs! I learned that a new bar opened up very close to my home. I also found this architectural salvage space - I peeked in the windows and saw two very fierce statues made of old metal parts. I remembered where there's a video rental shop still open and saw a few homes for sale that I'll never afford.

And I ran - because I am a runner after all.


Anonymous said...

its a good thing you can run... Because Chicago apparently is full of wild animals and dinosaurs....

Johnny5 said...

Exploring the neighborhood is totally the best thing about running! Every time I run I see a new store or a cool street that I've somehow never really noticed before.

Hey, let's schedule a run one day where we cross paths halfway and give each other a high five.

...wait, maybe that's a little too weird.