Monday, February 18, 2008

8 degrees outside? 8 random thoughts to keep you warm!

It's 8 degrees in my new city so I'm here to tell you 8 interesting (hopefully) facts (possibly not-so-factual).
  1. Today at work the kids and I blew bubbles because we are so stir crazy. We had a little bubble party popping, chasing and attempting to blow bubbles. Two-year-olds totally don't know how to blow bubbles though, which is slightly hilarious.
  2. I don't wear winter cleats, as this article suggests, but I finally believe in the power of serious boots for winter. My boots are amazing and I credit them with keeping my ankles sturdy in the ice-snow-rain crapola that's been pouring on and off since November.
  3. I hereby nominate Janet Evanovich and her Stephanie Plum books (I just finished High Five and I'm about to start Hot Six) as the best train reading ever! Living in Chicago means I don't get to read the Washington Post Express, the best commuter daily ever, so I rely on many periodicals (the Chicago Tribune or the Red Eye) to get me to work each morning. Stephanie Plum, her absurd antics, her hamster Rex, her hilarious grandmother and crime-solving rock my commute home. Steamy!
  4. After being at my work for six months (yay, dental insurance!) I finally posted some personal stuff near my desk. My massive computer monitor, which runs Windows 98, takes up so much space I'd be surprised if anyone notices, but I'm pleased just the same.
  5. I'm traveling to Costa Rica in just 11 days! Beware monkeys, beware.
  6. The new Indiana Jones movie sounds awesome! The Last Crusade is still my favorite, but I'm re-watching the whole series before the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull premieres.
  7. My endocrinologist and I communicate via email which - The New York Times agrees - is awesome. It's quick, convenient for both of us, and "very effective." Hooray technology, and hooray to doctors for stepping up. Just don't send your M.D. any stupid forwards.
  8. If reading this fierce blog isn't enough please give Urbanagora a go, or even America vs. The World, which now has a post written in 2008. Wowee.
Bundle up, friends!

1 comment:

MD said...

I'm not sold on Indy - Harrison just looks and sounds too tired. But I still feel bad for now collecting a pile of WP Expresses for you when I saw you in Boston. I'm a horrible person.